Wednesday, March 28, 2012

1) In the Dove's Necklace, a lot of interesting things are said about love.  Not only does the poetry not really define love but instead "signs of love" are forms of explaining what love is.  This really interested me because with each kind of love, people look at it differently and feel different things.  This really allowed the reader to get their own understanding of what love means rather than a set answer.  Another theme found in this reading is how others change for love.  Sometimes people change without even knowing that they've changed and this is found a lot throughout the poetry.  People get so caught up in "love" that they don't even see or realize themselves that they have changed.  But in other circumstances, people can change who they are on purpose so that their lover is more accepting of them and they turn into someone whom their lover wants or looks for in a partner.  I think this reading was very interesting and I really enjoyed reading the different ways in which love affects people.

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